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and STE(A)M Education 

 International Conference

Opportunities and challenges for

implementation in real classrooms


Saturday, December 7 2024, 8:45-13:30

Ceremony Hall, Old Campus, University of Cyprus, 75 Kallipoleos Avenue, Nicosia

Project Information

ENGINO-NET LIMITED and the ReSciTEG research group from the University of Cyprus are concluding their participation in the MAKERSPACE project (INNOVATE/1221/0052). The project is co-funded by the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation.

The MAKERSPACE program aimed to develop a new ecosystem of pedagogical solutions related to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and the Engineering Design Process by utilizing materials and technologies found in a MAKERSPACE. One of the key goals was to develop and implement educational material for primary and middle school students. This material is based on the creation of functional constructions to solve presented problems. Students were asking to use traditional tools (e.g., wood-cutting machines), 2D and 3D design software, laser cutters, 3D printers, and electronic components (e.g., Micro:bit, Arduino) to create their constructions.

At the conference, the educational material and implementation results will be presented. Additionally, hands-on workshops will be conducted for educators to acquire programming knowledge, 2D and 3D design skills, and pedagogical design expertise for utilizing Maker education in their classrooms.

Dr. Anne Keune.webp

Prof. Dr. Anne Keune

Technical University of Munich

Keynote Speaker:

Prof. Dr. Anna Keune is Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Learning Sciences and Educational Design Technologies and TUM-IAS Rudolf Mößbauer fellow at the Technical University of Munich. Anna’s research and teaching stands at the intersection of learning sciences and design. Anna investigates high and low-tech educational design technologies to advance knowledge about STEM learning, transforming what counts as participation and expanding who participates. Her research is guided by constructionist, posthumanist, and participatory theoretical commitments. Anna Keune received postdoctoral training at the University of California, Irvine, and the Ruhr-University Bochum with a focus on STEM equity and adaptive educational technologies. Prior to this, Anna graduated with a PhD in Learning Sciences from Indiana University in 2020. Her dissertation on fiber crafts as a context for computer science education won the prestigious Indiana University Distinguished PhD Dissertation Award. Anna Keune also studied New Media Art and Design at Aalto University and was a visiting researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Srishti School of Art, Design, and Technology.

Other Speakers:

Dr. Anastasios Chovardas

Department of Education,

University of Cyprus

Costas Sisamos

Research & Development Department, ENGINO-NET LIMITED


08:45 - 09:15   



09:15 - 09:35 

Welcome speech:
Dr. Zacharias Zacharia, Department of Education, University of Cyprus
Costas Sisamos, Research & Development Department, ENGINO-NET LIMITED
Panayiotis Zymaridis, Inspector of Secondary Education for Design and Technology, Ministry of Education, Sports, and Youth

09:35 - 10:15  
Keynote speech: Designing learning environments for making, building, and broadening participation
Prof. Dr. Anne Keune, Technical University of Munich

10:15 - 10:35    
How to integrate a makerspace in the regular classroom:
Pedagogical design, implementation and assessment 

Dr. Anastasios Chovardas, Department of Education, University of Cyprus

10:35 - 11:00
Developing new technologies for successfully implementing Makerspace labs in Primary and Secondary schools
Costas Sisamos, Research & Development Department, ENGINO-NET LIMITED

11:00 - 11:30
Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:30


1. 2D Design & Laser cutter (Room: Α014)
2. 3D Design & 3D-printer (Room: Β001)
3. Electronics: Arduino & Micro:bit (Room: Β002)
4. Pedagogical design for utilizing Maker Education (Room: Β003)



The Project is co-funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU

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